Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Hurricane Rita

Well, I'm officially sick of hurricane season. That's probably a pretty pathetic sentiment compared with all of the people in Texas, Louisana, etc. that are actually being directly affected by the storms.

Speaking of the plural word, "storms", why are we at the letter "R"? I'm not blaming global warming (since I'm not a sworn believer like so many others that act like it is simply fact - it's not) I'm concerned about the names. Where do we go if we actually get past the letter "Z"? Do we go ahead and start using next year's list and just keep borrowing forever? If so, at some point we're going to have to cancel hurricane season. I know this is a little unorthodox, but think of all the destruction we can avoid if we just cancel hurricane season. People would have a chance to re-think things. To see what's what in their lives in relation to hurricanes. Think about it.

It worked for the NHL.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

maybe you should ask God to cancel hurricane season...but first, you should find out why we need hurricanes and what not...

i know my friend would love it if hurricane season was cancelled!

what we need to ask is why we have hurricanes? it's kind of like, what's the purpose of a fly?! i mean, sheesh. i feel like i'm in some tent somewhere...all these flies buzzing around...they're really starting to annoy me!