Saturday, September 10, 2005

How Long Are You Going To Just Sit There?

Well? I've been running myself ragged all week and everytime I see you, you're sitting down. Do you even know where the trash can is? I mean, look at all of those nail clippings? A normal person would know that's disgusting but you just sit there staring at me like I'm the crazy one. What did you say? As a matter of fact I do clip my fingernails regularly. I just don't do it while others are trying to watch a movie or eat breakfast.

Yes, I am still mad about the breakfast thing. Go ahead and laugh. Laugh your head off. I didn't think it was so funny when your nasty toe nail flew into my cereal. Thanks to you, I'll never be able to eat frosted flakes again.

Ah, now you gingerly pick up your nail clippings. If I hadn't said anything, would we be wading around this house in finger and toe nail clippings?

By the way, will you please get rid of that annoying typewriter? I know you're busy writing the next great American novel, but we do own a computer.

Okay, explain to me how, exactly, a typewriter inspires you creatively. The sound. The sound!? The incessant "click click click DING SHHDOOK click click"? That's ridiculous. Well, if that's true then I guess I understand why you love to recklessly clip your nails: you're fighting writer's block!

I give up. Why do I even try? What do you want for dinner? Nah, I'm just going to have a bowl of cereal.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you talking to me?

I'm going to just sit here as long as I feel like it. HAHA