Thursday, September 22, 2005

An Example of PETA's Sensationalistic Stupidity

I read this story yesterday, and it just helped to rekindle my utter disdain for PETA. Let me sum up the article for you: PETA likens cruelty to animals (and I use the term "cruelty" loosely) to the civil rights struggles of blacks in America. HUH?!

Hmmm. Which is more important to PETA: Equal rights for all Americans or ending all forms of meat consumption in this country? I think we all know the answer to that. Maybe if there were some "whites only" restaurants that refused to serve meat, PETA would be okay with that.

In case you can't tell, I hope this completely blows up in this organization's face. Of course, it probably won't since the major media outlets won't push a story that puts PETA in a bad light. Oh well. At least PETA is showing what their priorities in this society are.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

way to link a page that I can't access! have to have a subscription or something along those lines...what a bunch of hog-wash! HAHAHA

i hope molly gets to feeling better soon!