A journal? Stream of consciousness? Short stories? Poetry? I don't know either.
Saturday, November 07, 2009
Cold Night
Last night we celebrated Molly and Sophie's birthdays. It was really nice and I think they both had a lot of fun. It was cute seeing Sophie's reaction to everyone singing "Happy Birthday" to her. She didn't quite know what to do.
Anyway, the coffee just finished brewing so I'm going to go pour some for Joy and me. Later!
Monday, October 19, 2009
A Post
People have asked me and Joy what to get Sophie for Christmas and we've been drawing blanks. I mean, it's not like she's asking for anything so she'd probably have fun with just about anything. She's particularly fond of putting the small objects that she happens across as she's crawling on the floor into her mouth.
Anyway, I just felt like writing something.
Friday, October 16, 2009
I guess I should mention that while Joy was gone, Sophie was actually very good. She wasn't very fussy or anything like that. Of course, she slept for a portion of the evening but, that's irrelevant. While Sophie napped, Molly and Caleb watched The Haunted Mansion movie while I was reading. It was pretty relaxing.
When Sophie woke up, she was great. The sad/cute thing that she did was when she crawled down the hallway to our bedroom door. When I opened the door to our room (in which the lights were on, by the way) she crawled right to the bathroom sink area where Joy is sometimes brushing her teeth or doing her hair. Of course, Joy was not there. I guess that's what was sad. But, it was pretty cute. I think she did this a total of three times tonight.
Well, it definitely feels like fall outside. Too bad it's raining. We were planning on going to the pumpkin patch at the Belmont Farm in Matthews, VA tomorrow but, with this weather, I just don't see that happening.
Lastly, my boss told me today that November 1st (a Sunday night) will be when I start third shift. I'm still pretty excited about it. It will be nice to be in a different atmosphere. Apparently, I'll also still be doing some processing at night for different day shift jobs. It's going to be interesting if nothing else.
Anyway, thank the Lord it's Friday (and I'm off this weekend)!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Pancakes For Dinner
A few minutes after that, Sophie was at the patio door and started walking toward Joy. Not just a couple of steps but more like seven or eight! It really won't be long now and she is going to be walking. I really can't believe she'll be a one year old in just a few weeks.
Speaking of a few weeks, supposedly, that's when I'll start third shift. Well, that's what I was told today. I heard my supervisor tell someone on third shift that I would be working with them in two weeks. Then, when I asked her directly about it, she said, "The last I heard, you'll be going some time in November." This is after she told me "after the first of the year" on this past Friday. I guess it's one of those things that I'll find out about one week before I'm supposed to start.
Anyway, time to hook up the griddle and make pancakes and scrambled eggs (with cheese, of course) for dinner.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Anyway, Sophie is getting more and more bold when it comes to walking. She's getting more willing to take a couple of steps here and there. But, you can tell she still gets scared when she gets slightly off balance. Of course, I would be scared to walk too if my center of gravity was located directly in the vicinity of my large noggin.
Well, I'm going to help Molly practice her 12's time tables and then read our nightly devotions.
Until next time... bye!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Cool Morning
Well, we're getting ready for church: Molly just got out of the shower and Caleb just got in. Hopefully, we'll make it to church before the choir sings. Ha ha. (Sad, but sometimes a possibility. Better late than never, I guess).
Saturday, October 10, 2009
A Dreary Morning
Anyway, I got up around 7 or7:15. Joy had just brought Sophie into our room so she could nurse and, since Sophie never stops moving when she's in our bed, I went ahead and got up. I thought I'd play Fallout 3 for a little while before anybody else got up. But, as I was unloading the dishwasher, I heard Sophie in our room "talking" loudly. A few minutes later, Joy came walking into the dining room with Sophie.
So, Sophie is in her high chair right now eating grapes on her own and Joy is about to give her some oatmeal. Molly and Caleb are still knocked out but that's okay. It's Saturday.
Friday, October 09, 2009
Not Yet
Anyway, here comes the weekend.
Thursday, October 08, 2009
The Decision
In other news, Sophie has another tooth coming in on her top row. Soon she'll have a toothy grin rather than a gummy, baby grin. Time keeps flying by so fast...
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Third Shift
Anyway, I am seriously considering this time. We're going to keep praying about it and see how the Lord leads.
On the memory lane front: Joy said that Sophie waved and said, "Ba Ba" as Molly and Caleb were going to get on the bus. Super cute. It won't be long now and she'll be talking non-stop like Molly and Caleb.
Well, it's time for me to head to bed so we can say our prayers and read our devotions. If there's time, I'm going to try to read some more of Assassin's Quest.
Sunday, October 04, 2009
Weekend's Over
Also, I'm once again thinking of making my blog into an actual journal. In other words, I might privatize this completely. Of course, nothing is completely privatized on the internet I guess. Oh well. Just something I'm thinking about doing.
Until next time.
Saturday, October 03, 2009
9 Hours, 45 Minutes
See ya.
iPod Battery
In order to check the battery, I'm following the battery check guidelines on Apple's support website. These guidelines call for you to select an album with average length songs (3-8 minutes long) and put the iPod on continuous repeat. Also, you have to turn off the backlight and the equalizer.
I did all that this morning so at 7:08am, my iPod started playing Toby Mac's Portable sounds album. It's now 9:45am and the battery icon is still showing slightly more than half of its capacity. I'm not sure if this is indicative of how much longer it will last. I guess only time will tell.
According to the Apple site, my iPod should play continuously for 14 hours straight. I highly doubt it will last that long. I'm pretty sure the battery has to die before 7 hours of play time. If it does this, I can send my iPod in for a replacement. I say "replacement" because they will send another iPod with a new battery. It will probably be a refurbished one but, what do I care? As long as it works, it makes no difference to me whatsoever.
After setting up the iPod battery test, I sat down on the couch with some coffee and my headphones so I could play a little bit of Fallout 3. It had been a couple of weeks since I played so it took me a minute to figure out what I was supposed to be doing (other than shoot everything that moves).
About forty five minutes later, Joy and Molly got up so I quit playing Fallout. Before I cut the Xbox 360 off, I decided to check out the Brutal Legend demo. It was pretty cool, I guess. Not something I will ever own though. A little too much on the "evil heavy metal is cool" side. I know it's all tongue in cheek but still, I will not be purchasing it.
It's about time for us to head off to the annual Kiln Creek yard sales this morning. Hopefully, we'll find some cool stuff. If not, maybe we'll at least find some stuff to sell on eBay.
Thursday, October 01, 2009
The Foundry
It was pretty cool to see the flames shooting up 15 or more feet into the air as the metal was first placed into the container that they would use to move the molten steel. Even cooler was seeing the liquid metal being poured into molds. It was so bright that I was unable to look at it constantly. Also, the metal that spilled down the piles of sand, or sulfur, looked just like lave leaking down the sides of an erupting volcano. It was very cool.
Even though I don't expect to forget this sort of thing, I felt like writing it down.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Last Day of September
Moving on from Christmas as a topic, yet again. Tonight I helped Molly start her own blog here on blogger. It's a private blog so only Joy, mom, Michelle, and me will be able to view it. She was asking me to sign her up after I sent her the invitation to read this blog. She'll probably have a little fun with it but, it's probably more of a novelty to her.
Anyway, gotta stop writing here and read our devotions for the night.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Black and White
This is a photograph I took a few weeks ago that I would really love to have enlarged to 18X30 or something similar. The only thing I worry about is quality and the price. It can be pricey, in my opinion, and I have no idea what the quality will be. Oh well. There's a first time for everything.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Another Post
Is it too early to make a Christmas list? Not if you're a kid. I don't remember how the narrator said it in "A Christmas Story" but, he summed it up perfectly for me. For me, Christmas is still the pinnacle of the whole year. Sure, there's summer and birthdays and stuff like that but, come on. Christmas is the day. I think it's awesome that Molly and Caleb love Christmas as much as Joy and I do. I know that right now, their love of the holiday is mostly driven by "stuff" as it used to be for me. Now, I just enjoy watching their eyes light up when Christmas is just around the corner.
Soon, we'll be putting up our advent construction paper rings that we enjoyed cutting down last year. In honor of that, I went over to the Wolfram|Alpha website and plugged in December 25th, 2009. According to that site, there are 88 days until Christmas. Seems like a lot, but it's really not. Here's a link to the Wolfram|Alpha site that has the info.
Merry Christmas (too) early!
Anyway, I just dropped Molly off for her ballet class. Right when I pulled into the parking lot here at home, I realized that she left her water in my car. Oh well. At least it's not really hot today.
Today when Caleb got home from school, I read a book about salmon with him. He is such an excellent reader. Joy and I are very proud of him. And Molly, of course. Oh, and Sophie, of course.
Well, I really hope I can keep this up. I think my posts may be more boring than they used to be (in my opinion) but they may be more frequent. I want to communicate that sense of day to day life that we all tend to forget about as time goes by. We start to forget the little things unless they are associated with bigger, more memorable events.
At any rate, I'm going to at least try.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
I've decided to note this because I went through some of my older entries and read some stuff that the kids have said or done that, if I had not written here, I would never have remembered it. In particular, today I was reading a post from about four years ago where Molly was playing and chanting "906 O.K.I.R". I just barely remember that.
Anyway, I've pretty much made up my mind that I'm going to "privatize" this blog. I know I've toyed with the idea before but I'm pretty sure this time. I really want to be able to use this as a regular journal.
Well, I have to go now. Gotta help Molly study for her "5's" multiplication test. Zero through twelve is what it covers, I believe.
Thanks for the memories... I think.
What to Say
Maybe I just felt like posting something today with no real reason.
Monday, August 10, 2009
For Real?
As we were wandering around Best Buy, we stopped by the Rock Band 2 setup for the Xbox 360. Molly and Caleb were playing through "Livin' On A Prayer" by Bon Jovi when we noticed that the game was on sale for $99. Personally, I've had a lot of fun playing Rock Band but I never felt like it had reached a good price point for me. Well, that changed this weekend.
So, while Caleb was sitting on the stool in front of the drum pads, I pulled the box off of the shelf behind him and announced to him and Molly that I was going to buy it. "For real?" he asked excitedly. "Yes," I replied. Then, he cocked his head to one side and gave me his best "I don't believe you" look and said, matter of factly, "For real." Again, I told him we were buying it. Even after the Rock Band 2 box was in the back of the van and we were pulling out of the parking space, Caleb asked again, "Are we really getting it?" It was hilarious. I guess he was half expecting me to say "Just kidding!" and walk back into the store and get my money back.
Anyway, Joy and I thought it was particularly funny that he just couldn't believe we were getting something like that.
Well, I have to go and keep an eye on Sophie.
Monday, July 20, 2009
James River at Dusk
Took this picture at sunset on the James River. I used Lightroom to process this one (as I did for all of the ones that I shot that same night). Lightroom is surprisingly fast even for my three year old Dell Laptop.
Growing up, I was always taught NOT to be a litterbug. So it's no small wonder that if I decide to eat food from Wendy's at 1am in my car at my apartment, I'll most likely throw the trash in an appropriate container. Not so for many of our neighbors. Perhaps there simply aren't that many people here that have any aspirations to ever own anything other than their car. So, maybe they have no concept of what it's like to go out into their own front yard and pick up the trash that some hobo-esque moron tossed out.
Well, that's all. Got to go to the library for no associated reason.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
SPCA = Sick Pets you Can Adopt
Hang in there, Zoey.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Lion At Dusk
Another shot I took last night at Lions Bridge. I used to Lightroom to decrease the sharpness and also messed with the lighting and shadows.
We went over to the Lions Bridge last night so I could have some more practice with my D60. I got a little experience with Lightroom when I went to process.
Anyway, this is Sophie giving us a big cheesy grin.
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
Donations, Anyone?
I've always wondered about these things...
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Been a While
Like I've stated before, this blog is more of a journal of sorts. I don't treat this as the only journal of events that I ever keep since I have no idea if someday Google will simply pull the plug on Blogger. Who knows?
I guess the same goes for Flickr. I really do use Flickr as my photo archive. I mean I keep a local copy and a local back up copy of my pictures but I don't take time to sort them. The only sorting they get at home is by the upload date. On Flickr, I take the time to tag them, put them in sets and collections, etc. But what would I do if Yahoo suddenly pulled the plug on Flickr? I guess I'd just be perturbed. Well, I'll enjoy it and use it while I can I suppose.
Anyway, today is Father's Day. I have had the honor of being raised by two awesome parents. I have never had to wonder whether or not my parents loved me and had my best interest in mind. I have always felt that my Dad and my Mom are proud of me. God has really given me an excellent example of what it means to lovingly raise a child.
The reason I made my Father's Day statements about both my Mom and my Dad is because I don't think I ever posted anything about Mother's Day on my blog. It was mainly due to laziness. It's not as if I was posting everyday in May except Mother's day. Still, I would have felt a little dirty leaving my Mom out in the cold. Happy Belated Mother's Day, Mom! Happy Father's Day, Dad!
On a more journal-esque note, Sophie's first tooth (or teeth, it's hard to tell right now) is coming in. Recently, she has been a little fussy for no apparent reason. Yesterday I did the routine "check the bottom gums for teeth" inspection and, much to my surprise, I could feel a little tooth coming in. It's possible I'm feeling two teeth but I can't be certain. Joy and I have tried to simply look by opening Sophie's mouth but she always moves her tongue to just the right spot so that we cannot see her bottom gum (is it 'gum' or 'gums' when I'm only referring to the bottom row?). Anyway, it's a neat little milestone for any baby.
A funny side note: as I type this, I am really starting to believe that the running spell checker in blogger is actually intended for British English, not American English. Whenever I've spelled words like neighbor, color, etc., I would always get the little read dotted line underneath the words indicating that they are spelled incorrectly. However, when I change their spelling to the British English (neighbour, colour) the little red line goes away.
This morning however as I was writing my little paragraph on my parents, I noticed the little red dotted line under the word Mom. I thought, "That's odd. I'm pretty sure that's how 'mom' is spelled." So I decided to change it to "mum". Doing so eliminated the red line. Strange isn't it? (Spoken with a fake British accent.)
Well, I've got to get the kids up for church. Joy will probably be staying home with Sophie since Sophie's been running a low fever.
Happy Father's Day 2009!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Sunday, May 10, 2009
I'm just amazed at how fast time goes by. I'm also amazed by how awesome God is. He worked out something that I was really afraid would not work out. By now I should know to trust him and not worry.
The main reason I was writing today was because I was going through some pictures on my flickr site that didn't have tags and I ran across some that I took of our yard sale last year. I remember it being really hot last year when we moved. Miserably hot.
It's kind of bittersweet looking at those pictures of our house. On the one hand, I'm super happy that we were able to sell our house and move when we really needed to. On the other hand, I really miss our house. These apartments are great but I really do miss our house.
Who knows what the future holds? So many things in my life I've wished could've worked out differently only to see later that if I had gotten my way, things would probably have been a disaster. Again, I'm glad God's in control, not me.
Well, today is Mother's Day. I hope all you mothers out there have an awesome day. We got to spend a lot of time with Mom and Dad yesterday which was great. They are truly fun people to be around.
I'll post more later. Right now, Sophie is in my lap and it is very difficult to type.
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Just a Test
Anyway, here's the test.

I guess I'll work on how to get a slightly smaller image size.
Oh well!
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Just a Picture From Disney World
The Disney Journal That Never Was
While we were staying at Disney, I decided to write down what we did for a couple of days. I almost made an effort to post this while on vacation but, I just was unwilling this time to pay for the internet connection at the hotel.
Anyway, here's what I typed up while sitting in our All Star Movies Hotel room.
Tuesday, March 31st, 2009, Disney World Day Four
We spent our day yesterday at Disney's Hollywood Studios theme park and had a great day. About half way through the day, we decided to come back to the hotel room so the kids could play in the pool and we could get some laundry done.
Anyway, at the park we rode the Tower of Terror, Star Tours, and the Great Movie Ride. We were able to get Caleb to ride the Tower of Terror and he liked it. He even rode it again with Joy when she was doing the “ride swap” with me. Later, he told me that he took the Tower of Terror off of his “favorites list”. I didn't even know he had a list going!
In the evening we rode Star Tours and, once again, Caleb started to get upset and say that didn't want to ride it just before we were actually boarding the ride. I felt like a mean dad making my son ride and strap in while he was fighting back tears.
Riding the Great Movie Ride was an experience. One that we may not have to repeat again. There was nothing really bad about the ride, it's just that it's kind of... boring. I mean the environments that you ride through look very nice but I'm afraid some of the older movies are beginning to go over the heads of some of the younger visitors to Disney World. I'm not saying they need to update the ride but maybe a little “enhancement” wouldn't hurt. They've obviously already “enhanced” the movie that you watch while waiting in line. It now includes scenes from the Pirates of the Caribbean films.
Our plan for today was to go back to Hollywood Studios but since there is a greater chance for rain later this week, we have decided to go to the Magic Kingdom today. The Saturday visit to the Magic Kingdom was just a quick visit. This time I think we'll try to hang out a little more.
I'm personally looking forward to tomorrow when we go to the Animal Kingdom which is my favorite park.
Well, it's about 10:00am and we are getting ready to head downstairs to have a little breakfast. Can't wait to blow some more cash on eating. Ha ha.
More updates later.
Yesterday, we spent the day at Disney's Animal Kingdom. We really enjoyed ourselves. Although, I really forgot just how big the park is. In other words, there is whole lot of walking involved.
Our first ride of the day was Kilamanjaro Safaris which is basically a cool zoo tour with a little bit of a story about poachers involved. Excellent ride. Two years ago when we came, we loved it and it is still a very cool experience to ride in an open air vehicle right beside animals like giraffes and other African animals.
After the safari ride, we made our way over to the Bug's Life 4-D show, “It's Tough to be a Bug”. It was pretty fun but I got a little ripped off. I mean the only “4-D” experience about it was when I was sprayed with water and some short air blasts. There's a scene where a stinkbug comes out and sprays the audience but I didn't see what the big deal was; I didn't even smell anything. Does that say something about me? I don't think so. I just think the seat I had was a little messed up. At the end of the show, your seat is supposed to buzz or vibrate so as to simulate lots of bugs crawling under you but, I didn't feel anything. I mean, I heard lots of other people laughing and screaming but I felt nothing. Joy said she felt it, too. Oh well.
After the Bug's Life thing, we headed over to the Asia area of the park to ride Expedition Everest. We did the “rider swap” deal so Joy could ride after I rode with the kids. I have to mention that waiting in line for Everest and the safari ride was pretty cool. They have so much presumably authentic stuff to look at while you're waiting that the wait goes by really fast. It's almost like visiting a mini exhibit.
Anyway, while we were waiting an announcement came over that the ride might close if the thunderstorm that was looming in the distance hit us. Fortunately for us, they didn't close the ride before we got on. Unfortunately for us, it started to rain as we rode. It didn't just feel like rain though. I'm not sure how fast the roller coaster goes but I do know that it felt like little pebbles shooting me in the face. It stung. After we rode, they closed the ride. After about an hour or so, Joy was able to ride.
After all this, we went to the Dinorama area and rode a triceratops ride. The Dinorama area is like a carnival area with all the typical games and short rides. After that little ride, we ended up going on the Pangani Forest walk and then Camp Minnie Mickey.
The forest walk was very cool. There was a little viewing area connected to the pool where the hippos are. We came in at just the right time to see a hippo swim right by the window. Twice. I was able to get two pictures of its rear end. Oh well.
No, we didn't do too much at the Animal Kingdom. But it was still very cool. In my opinion, the Animal Kingdom is more of an atmospheric experience. So, with that said, I guess it is an actual “theme” park.
Today, Thursday, April 2nd, is our last full day. Right now, I have some clothes in the laundry room. After we eat breakfast and get our clothes, we're probably going to go to Downtown Disney and possibly the Magic Kingdom.
Hopefully, I'll update later. Probably after we return home.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Monday, March 30th, 2009 (Day three in Disney World)
It may not be that easy since he started getting upset in line for Splash Mountain but I'm of the mindset now that it's too bad: you're riding. Does that sound mean? I don't think so. If we went along with Caleb everytime he said, "I don't want to ride that", he would ride almost nothing.
Anyway, we just had a healthy breakfast of dougnuts and cookies and we're getting ready to head out. Like I said before, I wish I could upload more photos but the connection here is just too slow.
The weather looking good for today. Right now, it's probably just barely sixty degrees and it's supposed to only get to about 76 or so. Yesterday was a different story. It poured down rain up until about 1:30. It was okay since we had ponchos to wear. They were definitely life savers. Or clothes and camera savers I guess.
Well, I'd better click "Publish Post" before my 24 hour internet access time expires.
See you soon.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
In Disney World
We spent today at Epcot after getting a sort of nice late start mainly due to rain. It turned out to be a really beautiful day. Yesterday when we arrived we headed on over to the Magic Kingdom and, man, it was packed.
Anyway, I really wanted to upload a lot of pictures but, apparently, the connection here at the hotel isn't so hot. I'll most likely just stop trying to upload stuff until we get back home. It's really that slow.
The plan for tomorrow is to go to Disney's Hollywood Studios Park, which I keep calling "MGM". Hopefully the weather will be as nice as it's been so far.
Heading to bed now.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Two More Days to Disney
But work isn't the point of this post. The point of my posting this is to celebrate just how close we are to hopping a plane to Disney World. It's really hard to believe but somehow, I believe it.
All that really remains right now is for us to go through a checklist and make sure we have everything. Not just the essentials like toothpaste, toothbrushes, etc., but the other essentials like our reservation paperwork and the Disney's Magical Express tickets. What is Disney's Magical Express, you ask?
Disney's Magical Express is an airport shuttle program. All we have to do is put the special tags on our checked luggage before we take off. When we arrive in Florida, we just hop on the Magical Express and go to the hotel. No need to wait and claim our luggage. Walt Disney himself will personally deliver our luggage to our hotel room. Or so I think...
So basically, Disney's Magical Express is a bus.
Anyway, two more days!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Six Days To Disney
Anyway, we tried packing today just to see what we could or could not fit in the luggage we're taking with us. The plan is only to check one bag since the airline charges $15 for the first checked bag, $25 for the second checked bag, $50 for the third, etc. I think we'll be able to do it since our carry on stuff is all going to fall under the size/weight requirements.
Once again, I'll be using blogger in conjunction with flickr to keep the updates from the park rolling in for all of my fans. All two of you: me and possibly my sister.
Have a great night. Here's couple more shots from our last trip to Disney.
This is from our first night in Disney World back in April 2007. We spent the evening at Downtown Disney instead of going to a park that night. Not sure if we'll do that this time...
This is another picture from Downtown Disney. Not sure why they keep the Christmas stuff out in April but hey, who cares?
Monday, March 16, 2009
Twelve Days to Disney
Anyway, I was reminded that about two years ago, I had a blog post with the same title as this one. It all comes full circle at last.
Within a couple of weeks, I'll be posting pictures from Disney World.
See ya!
Sunday, March 01, 2009
Disney 2007 Trip
Anyway, this isn't the best photograph of the ride but it does highlight the quality of the stuff you get to stare at while waiting in line for the various rides in Disney World. (I am not stating this sarcastically; the quality of the stuff in Disney is quite high.)
See you later.
27 Days to Disney
I am personally excited about convincing Caleb to ride the Tower of Terror. I think he's going to do it. We've been watching various videos of the ride on youtube. Yesterday, in fact, I ran across a video of a Half-Life 2 mod that someone made to look exactly like the Tower of Terror ride. It was very accurate right down to all the correct Twilight Zone audio that you hear right before going on the ride. Below is the video and a couple of pics of the kids.
The countdown has begun.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
First Loss
Sadly, I was at work so I didn't get to witness any of the chaos. Eventually he calmed down and Joy was able to pull the tooth out without incident or any violent outbursts.
Ah, how we cherish moments like this long after the years have softened our minds' focus so we can look back and laugh.
In honor of this event, here's a picture of Caleb before he had any teeth and when he enjoyed chewing on plastic toys.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Big Wheel
Monday, February 16, 2009
Another Two Year Old Picture
Sunday, February 15, 2009
A Flashback From My Flickr Archives
Birthday Eve
On another useless note, I finally adjusted the width on the main body of this blog. Now it won't cut off pictures that I happen to post (which always irritated me).
Anyway, tomorrow is Michelle's and my birthday. I'll be 35 and she'll be 35 minus 7. We're not planning anything extravagant other than going to lunch today with our parent's after church. Also, we played Rock Band 2 last night for a while which was pretty fun. Especially when Caleb was on drums and really started freaking out that he couldn't do one of the songs since it was too hard (he was able to do it by the way).
It was also funny that, while we played the game, we had Sophie lying on her little playmat and she has really started trying to roll over. So much that at one point, we thought someone had repositioned her since she ended up 180 degrees out from where Joy had initially laid her but, no. She is rolling herself around. Although, not really rolling around. It's more like rocking back and forth and slowly moving around. Kind of like the minute hand on a clock: you don't see it move at a glance but if you really watch it, you can tell it's moving.
This weekend has been pretty nice. I don't know if it's just because I'm getting more and more boring but I really like the weekends where we don't have anything in particular to do aside from just hang out.
Good times. Goood tiiiiimes.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Baby Grabbin'
Of course, I could be wrong about all of this. Maybe it's just some automatic response. Who cares? It's still pretty cool.
Anyway, here's some photos that I recently uploaded to flickr.
I guess I'm anxious about getting the refund because I want to make sure we get it before the U.S. government goes totally broke. Also, I just want to do my small part in stimulating the economy. So, really, it's not about me. It's about my country. I'm just trying to help.
Just a Post
Here's my real issue though: should I even bother with the blog? I mean, I want to keep a journal I guess, but I could easily keep one on my laptop. There are plus and minuses to both, I suppose. If I use my computer to store my journal, I have total control over the journal but it's only available when I use my computer.
If I use my blog, there is always the risk that Google could shut it down, effectively erasing my journal. On the other hand, I really like the format. Maybe there's a "journal" format or template available for Open Office. Hmmm...
Until next time...
Saturday, January 03, 2009
Anomaly or Harbinger?
Do you think it shares any features with anyone? If so, please let me know so I can fish it out of my trash can and list it on eBay.
Thanks in advance.
Check out the cool grey area. I think that's where the words "M&M Dark" were supposed to be. Creepy.